About Us
CLSL PACK SCIENCE PVT LTD is one of the group companies of CLSL. We have set up our unit for manufacturing Induction Sealing Wads and other flexible packaging products. Our aim is to become leading producer and supplier of wide range of packaging solutions.
CLSL Pack Scicence Pvt Ltd’s manufacturing site is located at POR Industrial Park in Vadodara district of Gujarat and uses best technologies and quality services. We closely monitor all parameters of production.
The aim of CLSL Pack Science Pvt Ltd is to build strong relationship with custOmer to understand their needs and deliver real performance in term of usage.
To become most reliable leader in packaging solutions with continuous growth through sustain innovation for total customer satisfaction.
To produce quality products at optimum cost and marketing them at convenient cost
Our goal is to accelerate the advent of sustainable packaging solutions by bringing compelling packaging innovations to the world as soon as possible to improve goods’ lives through innovative packaging.
To achieve consistent growth by superior performance, empowerment & speed of action. Establish leadership in at National and International Market.
The aim of CLSL Pack Science Pvt Ltd is to build strong relationship with custOmer to understand their needs and deliver real performance in term of usage.
Our Product
Applicable Sector







Automotive Petroleum Products
Quality Assurance
CLSL PACK SCIENCE PVT LTD’s goal and commitment is to always meet our clients’ mutually agreed-upon needs. To reach our quality goal, we have expanded our quality system. With this proclamation, the company’s management commits all employees to follow and carry out the set quality assurance provisions. This is how we intend to be a dependable and effective high-quality partner to our customers. The following basic quality principles should be followed by all employees at all times as guidelines for their daily work. Above all, the quality of our products and services is paramount. Management is accountable for the quality of work and results. Furthermore, each employee must go beyond their area of responsibility and grasp their work as a whole. In the event of a quality deviation, instead of determining who was accountable, the priority should be determining the causes of the deviation, as well as corrective steps and preventive measures to be taken.
Product Safety Policy
- The regulations of our management system serve to guarantee the safety of the products manufactured by us.
- We undertake to comply with all applicable laws.
- We shall provide our employees with information and continuous further development with regards to the safety and quality of our products.
- The aspects of food safety shall be considered during the procurement process in close collaboration with our suppliers.
Hygiene Policy
Through the introduction and further development of Good Manufacturing Practice and our self-monitoring system, we ensure the compliance of the legal regulations.
This includes, amongst other things:
- A system for regular and appropriate cleaning of all areas
- A system for monitoring pests as well as suitable passive measures in order to prevent the entry of pests
- A system for processing customer complaints
- Access restrictions on the company premises and sensitive areas
- Conduct and hygiene regulations for employees and visitors
- A system for monitoring and dealing with breaks of glass and hard plastic
- With suitable information and regular training of our staff, we ensure that our customer´s requirements are known and that there is an awareness of hygiene.
Contact Details
Mr. Bansil Lunagariya
Mr. Harshil Rabadiya